
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The liar attorney who became judge soon after turning truthful

Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

With the passage of time, his reputation grew in people’s hearts. He told that “it was a test only for one year. When the next year started, people from masjids, pious and humble individuals and those from madrasahs (Islamic schools) trusted that I take only true cases.”

One of our friends was a lawyer. It is norm in this profession that one resorts a lot to all types of lies.  But believe me; he changed the course of his life while still continuing with advocateship. His wife was a doctor. When he joined the companionship of the righteous people, Allah changed his heart. He told that from now onwards I would never tell a lie. Almighty Allah would provide me sustenance on truthfulness. People said to him: ‘Are you in your senses? Without telling lies how can you do advocateship?’ But he was determined that whether his advocateship works or not but truth would certainly prevail. He had made a firm decision in his heart.

So one day when the advocate went to his office, he announced that from now on he would take only true cases. He asked the people to let him know before time if they were untruthful.  Otherwise if he comes to know this during the trial, he would oppose them and if their case is true, he would provide all out support. Not liking this change, the clients left him and started consulting other lawyers. His office was soon vacant and he ceased to get any work. Several months passed away in this state. People started talking about him. Some said that he has gone mad while others said that he is an idiot. Some even said that he is a good lawyer but the Maulvis have spoiled him and made him lose his mind. But he continued with his stance that he will not earn his living by falsehood and that Allah would provide him sustenance on truthfulness. One year passed but he did not get any case. Since his wife was a her income provided support to run the kitchen. She was a sensible lady. One day she told the advocate, “When you have left falsehood, you should now leave advocateship and start some business. You should only speak truth and Allah will bless you with prosperity in the business”, But the lawyer said that he would neither leave advocateship nor truthfulness.

His wife said, “That is good. My support and prayers are with you. May Allah give you success”. For entire one year, he continued to come to the office, read newspaper and went back home. Once it was discussed before the judges that a lawyer does not take false cases. He is enduring poverty and says that he would die but will not leave the truth. The judges were highly impressed with this.

With the passage of time, his reputation grew in people’s hearts. He told that “it was a test only for one year. When the next year started, people from masjids, pious and humble individuals and those from madrasahs (Islamic schools) trusted that I take only true cases. Since they did not have much money, they knew that paying me a small amount will also suffice. So they started coming to me. Every one of them came with true case”.

The advocate would take cases to the court and got favourable decisions. Case after case, the same kept happening. After a few days, when the judges got together they decided that as he always pursues true cases, so they would not ask him many questions. Now whenever he pursued a case, he would get the decision in his favor within a few minutes. Many rich people thought that when their cases were true, why shouldn’t they hire him? With such clients, he started getting more money. Previously when he used to lie, his earnings were about a hundred thousand rupees in a month. But when he became truthful, he was earning more than two hundred thousand per month. For his truthfulness, Allah bestowed him with double benefit. A few days back, some advocates were examined for promotion as judges. He qualified the exam and became a judge. A little ago, the same person who used to tell lies in the court as an advocate, only due to his truthfulness, Allah has now blessed him with the chair of a Judge in the same court. Where he used to stand and say “your highness, your honor” Allah has honored him to sit on the Judge’s chair while issuing orders. My friends! It has hence been proven that who so ever tells the truth Allah will elevate his status.

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